
Powder 3D Printing

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Eine Grafik eines industriellen 3D-Druckers.

01 Our Powder 3D Printers!

What is Powder 3D Printing?

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Eine Vielzahl an verschiedenen 3D-gedruckten Polymer-Pulver-Bauteilen.

3D printing with powder uses polymer powder specially adapted to 3D printing and is becoming increasingly popular in industrial applications. Powder 3D printing can be divided into two different categories. The first is the classic variant using an infrared laser, in which the powder is fused layer by layer by this laser. The best-known variant of this process is Selective Laser Sintering (SLS).

In the second variant, a binder is combined with high temperatures to selectively bond the powder together. However, as the binder also consists of polymers, no debinding or sintering is required to obtain fully functional components, unlike in metal 3D printing. This process comes in the form of Binder Jetting and Selective Absorption Fusion (SAF™), among others.

There are many reasons for the steadily growing popularity of this type of 3D printing. The most important are the outstanding design freedom, mechanically efficient materials, very economical material consumption thanks to the recyclability of the powder material, support structure-free production and a very high production speed.

Eine Grafik für hohe Designfreiheit.

High Design Freedom

Eine Grafik für recyclebares Material.

Recyclable Material

Eine Grafik für schnelle Fertigung.

Quick Production

Overview of the individual Powder Technologies

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

SLS printing uses one or more infrared lasers, usually with a power of between 30 and 60 watts, to sinter the powder using heat and thus fuse it together layer by layer.

SLS printing boasts favourable acquisition and material costs as well as a high surface quality, but is on average somewhat slower than other processes.

Binder Jetting

In Binder Jetting, a polyer binder is applied to the powder layer using print heads, which then selectively bonds the powder together using heat from thermal fields.

Due to the ability to bond an entire layer together almost at once, Binder Jetting is very fast, but can have a negative impact on the mechanical properties of the components.

Selective Absorption Fusion (SAF™)

SAF™ technology is fundamentally very similar to binder jetting, but adds a more powerful binder (High Absorption Fluid) and better powder management.

SAF™ is particularly excellent in mass and series production and offers a very high packing density and powder recovery rate, but is a bit slower than Binder Jetting.

Typical Process


Data Preperation

In the first step, the print data and the digital model are prepared using CAD or 3D modelling software and sent to the printer.

Ein digitales Modell für den Pulver 3D-Druck.

Material Feed Check

Before printing begins, it must be ensured that a continuous supply of material is guaranteed, as this cannot be added during the printing process.



The third step involves the actual printing of the component. The material is sintered or bonded in a step-by-step process to achieve the desired geometry.


Printjob Extraction

Once the print job has cooled down, it is removed from the powder bed and the excess powder is removed. The unsintered or non-bonded powder can then be reprocessed.



Sandblasting the printed part creates a uniform and high-quality surface structure and refines the component. Sandblasting also ensures that there is no more powder on the components.


Further Post-Processing

The components can be further processed afterwards. For example, they can be coloured, painted or mechanically processed.

Weitere Nachbearbeitung bei per Pulver 3D-Druck hergestellten Bauteilen.

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • No support structures necessary
  • High level of detail
  • High strength & heat resistance
  • Fast production
  • Economical material consumption
  • Recyclable materials
  • Large selection of materials
  • Many finishing options
  • Somewhat rough surface
  • No transparent components
  • Powder handling


Ein Flugzeug hoch in der Luft.


With the ability to produce the most complex structures quickly and easily, powder 3D printing is ideal for optimising weight in the aerospace industry. Possible components include interior fittings, structural components, drone bodies and high-performance tools.

Ein weißes Personenkraftfahrzeug.


To speed up the product development cycle, more and more automotive manufacturers are turning to the capabilities and benefits of 3D printing with polymer powder. Possible components include functional prototypes, interior panelling, fuel nozzles and wind tunnel models.

Ein Team aus Medizintechnikern bei der Forschung.

Medical Engineering

Thanks to several biocompatible materials, 3D printing with polymer powder is perfectly suited to maximising productivity in medical technology for both indications and apparatus engineering. Possible components include prostheses, medical models, functional prototypes and surgical instruments.

Mehrere Raketen für die Verteidigungsindustrie.


The defence industry has a high demand for weight reduction and component consolidation in a variety of applications and powder 3D printing meets this need perfectly. Potential components include missile components, weapon systems, functional prototypes and field equipment.

Mehrere recyclebare Gegenstände.


The packaging industry is striving massively for more sustainable production and the recyclability of polymer powder in 3D printing has made it essential to this endeavour. Possible components include final packaging, special protective packaging, prototypes and personalised packaging.

Ein mit Menschen gefülltes Kaufhaus.

Consumer Goods

Thanks to its low costs per component, its mechanically efficient materials and fast production, powder 3D printing is ideal for reacting more quickly to trends in the consumer goods market and setting them yourself. Possible components include shoe soles, jewellery, wearables and spectacle frames.

Eine mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedruckte Abdeckung.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedruckte Abdeckungen.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedruckte Automobilteile.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedruckte Baugruppe.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedruckte elastische Prototypen.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedruckte Elektronikabdeckung.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedruckte Halterung.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedruckte Kleinteile.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedruckte Prototypen.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedruckte Roboterhand.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedruckte Serienproduktion.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedruckte Sonnenbrille.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedruckte Steckverbindung.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedruckter Frontspoiler.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedruckter komplexer Prototyp.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedruckter Prototyp.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedruckter Stecker.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedrucktes Abgasbauteil.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedrucktes Fertigungshilfsmittel.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedrucktes Kleinteil.
Mit Polymer-Pulver 3D-gedrucktes Rohr.

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Eine Vielzahl an verschiedenen 3D-gedruckten Polymer-Pulver-Bauteilen.

Selektive Laser Sintering (SLS)


QLS 820

The QLS 820 from Nexa3D® is designed for maximum throughput. With four 100 watt infrared lasers, a large build volume of 350 x 350 x 400 mm, a Z resolution between 50 and 200 micrometres and an open material platform, the QLS 820 delivers magnificent components with outstanding speed and scalability. Whether for large single pieces or series production, when throughput is required, the QLS 820 is the answer.

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QLS 260

The successor to the renowned QLS 230 and QLS 236 is the QLS 260, which not only retains the features of its predecessors, but even expands on them. This printing system delivers an industry-leading cycle time of just 21 hours, which means that even short-term projects can be realised without any problems. The QLS 260 also boasts an integrated nitrogen generator, a powerful laser and compatibility with the CMF process.

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NILS 480

The NILS 480 from Sinterit has focussed on automation and takes this to a new level with several functions. It has an integrated cooling chamber into which the print job is automatically moved after completion in order to start a new print job straight away. This means that up to three different print jobs can be scheduled at once and, thanks to the automatic powder dosing system, sufficient material is always guaranteed.

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Lisa X

The Sinterit Lisa X is an affordable powder printer that shines with industrial quality despite its favourable entry-level price. It has a build size of 130 x 180 x 330, four individually adjustable heating systems and an open material system to make it suitable for a wide range of applications. All this is rounded off by a speed of 14 mm/h, making the Lisa X perfect for rapid prototyping, among other things.

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Selective Absorption Fusion (SAF™)



The H350 from Stratasys® combines sustainability and productivity to perfection. Sustainability is ensured by the revolutionary Big Wave powder management system, which ensures that excess powder is automatically and immediately recycled. Productivity comes in part from the industry-leading packing density, which allows far more parts to be printed at once than on other powder systems.

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Our team of experts will be happy to support you in choosing the right 3D printing technology and in selecting the right 3D printing system.

Our application team also advises you on the choice of materials. Among other things, we can provide cost and time calculations as well as sample parts. In our showroom we have the possibility to validate the project together with you!

Johann Pfeifer Account Manager