DEMI 800™

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Industrial support and resin removal

The PostProcess® DEMI 800™ Series automatic submersion systems are designed to meet the demands of high-volume production.

Marc-Oliver Heißler Account Manager

The Postprocess®DEMI 800™ removes additional resin or PolyJet and FDM carriers using PostProcess® Technologies' patented Submersed Vortex Cavitation (SVC) technology. Using a moving flow and "sink-float" technique, PostProcess® SVC technology efficiently removes PolyJet and FDM carriers. Fast and consistent removal is achieved through alternating motion combined with best-in-class energy delivery and detergent filtration. The PostProcess®DEMI 800™ purge algorithms regulate the movement of fluids in the machine and adjust sensor data in real-time to prevent part damage and ensure consistent carrier and resin removal.


Basin size: 460 x 460 x 460 mm.

Consumable capacity: 151 liters

Variable temperature: 30-63°C

Vortex Pumping System

PostProcess® SVC solutions use a sophisticated pumping system to rotate the part while it is immersed in the cleaning agent.

The vortex component of SVC technology ensures that the part is uniformly exposed to the cleaning agent and cavitation of the ultrasound, regardless of density or geometry and its effect on the buoyancy of the part.

Variable ultrasound

PostProcess® uses cavitation generated by ultrasound as an additional source of mechanical energy to improve chemistry. The ultrasound creates compression and expansion waves in the cleaning fluid by emitting sound waves with varying frequencies and amplitudes. At the surface of the part, the movement of the liquid causes cavitation and the formation of small bubbles. As the substrate is weakened by the chemical, these bubbles agitate it, accelerating the reaction.

Advanced cleaning agents

PostProcess®'s unique chemistry is a key factor in the effectiveness of SVC technology.

The three main cleaning agents in the SVC line were all developed by PhD chemists specifically for cleaning additive materials.

In this context, each printing process has its own special cleaning agents, which have been optimized for the materials used.

PostProcess® cleaning solutions dissolve the substrate or uncured resin for each of these technologies without damaging the build material.

Optimal wave generation

In a conventional system, the carrier material disintegrates and falls to the bottom of the machine. The efficiency of the shaft generated by the transducer would then be compromised by this deposited material. By placing them on the side of the machine, PostProcess® SVC machines have reduced this problem and ensured optimal efficiency throughout the cycle.

Simplified parts removal

The PostProcess®DEMI 800™ has an unloading basket to remove the cleaned components from the system for further production steps.

Software-controlled cleaning algorithm

The purging algorithm, which carefully controls the energy, speed and direction of the system, ensures that cleaning time is minimized.

The AUTOMAT3D® software varies the flushing intensity, temperature and process time to achieve ideal cleaning in the shortest possible time.

Data Sheet PostProcess®DEMI 800™

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