PostPro SF50 PURE, PostPro SF100 PP, PostPro SF100 PURE, PostPro SF50 PP, PostPro SFX

Tetra Pak - Development of a special ice cream extruder

The Tetra Pak team set out to develop an ice cream extruder that could mix multiple colors of ice cream and place them in various shapes and patterns on a production line. Their previous extruder was experiencing numerous problems, so Tetra Pak turned to the Danish Technological Institute (DTI) and AMT. This process began with members of the Tetra Pak team attending a three-day course on 3D printing, during which they worked with DTI to define the main objectives for reinventing the extruder. Previously, the extruder was manufactured by welding together many small stainless steel parts, which were then welded into three large sections that could be separated for cleaning. This was an expensive and non-optimal solution for a food contact application where the highest safety and hygiene standards are required. Find out in this use case how AMT's post-processing solutions were able to solve this problem!

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